«Be thoughtful of what you buy, and choose a sustainable option whenever possible»
(United Nations, 2020)

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«Sustainable information for all»

cFood provides consumers with an overview and guidance for more sustainable consumption by suggesting alternative foods that have a lower footprint. The products are evaluated in four categories using different parameters:

Drawing of a sick planet

Environmental impact

Total CO2 emissions from production and transport, in addition water consumption and area usage of the product. (Lindahl, 2017)

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Based on factors of production such as the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. We make use of underlying facts from existing labelling, for instance Debio's Ø mark. (NCC, 2020)

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Whether workers and animals are treated in a dignified manner. Based on labels such as Fairtrade and Dyrevernmerket. (NCC, 2020)

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A comparison of different packaging on similar products, and the products' possibilities for recycling. Based on the Grønt Punkt Norge label. (NCC, 2020)