Privacy & Terms

We take your privacy seriously. It is important that you understand why and how we use your personal information and how the information can be deleted. On this page, you will find information about privacy and terms applicable to our application.

Creation of a user account

You can create a user account or log in using your phone number or email, or log in via Google or Facebook. By creating a user, we get the opportunity to tailor the app for your use, such as receiving tips aimed at your purchases and which can help you directly.

You get an overview of terms you have accepted and agreed to when you create a user. This is something you can change and read at any time in the application. By having a user account, we can send you updated offers when you have managed to complete a challenge and received coupons in the application by SMS or email.


We store all information you provide when you create a user account with us. We use this information so that we can contact you and direct the application towards your user habits. If you choose to connect the application to Trump, Coop or Æ, we store this information to access and use the data in the cFood application itself.

We store information about your use of the application. We store information about which functions you use in the application and which pages you use the most to customize and improve the cFood app for you. We have full responsibility for all your information and data; we do not pass on your information to any third parties.

Remove user account

You can delete your user at any time, under settings, or contact us for assistance. If you delete your user, all data will be deleted, so you can not restore your user history and content again.