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app home page

Home Page

The home page shows an overview of your consumption with a score, where you will see how you are doing on a scale. You get daily tips and challenges on how to become more sustainable.

You will receive coupons if you complete the challenges; these can be found at the top left. Based on previous purchases, you will be recommended sustainable products that will help you on the path to a more sustainable life.

Product Details

In the application you will find a page with an overview of how sustainable the product is. cFood compares products on several different parameters and gives a score in the form of a smiley face.

The overview shows the environmental impact, the packaging used, the ecology, and ethics behind the product. By clicking on a category, you can see detailed information for how the scores are calculated.

app product details page
app search page

Search or Scan

In the bottom middle tab bar of the application, you will find a separate search page. You can search for the item you are looking for to get more information about the product and how sustainable it is.

An alternative to searching for the product is to scan the product's barcode.


cFood can be connected to Rema 1000's Æ, Coop's app and Norgesgruppen's Trump to see previous purchases. This makes it easy for you to see the footprint of previous purchases without searching all the products themselves.

By clicking on a product in the receipt, you can get more info about the product and an in-depth description of its sustainability.

app receipts page
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